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About Me
Hello, I’m Joel Nix, I’ve been an electrical contractor for 16 years and currently own White Mountain Electric Inc. in Williston ND. Through a series of short videos, I desire to take my experiences as a business owner and share them with you, in hope that you can learn from my successes and failures and in turn, achieve success in your own business. There is no doubt in my mind that if I would have had this knowledge when I started, it would have saved me unwanted heartache and made me tens of thousands of dollars in additional profit.
These short videos will equip you to make the necessary steps towards becoming a successful business owner and as importantly keep you from making some devastating mistakes. Whether you are just starting out, or a seasoned owner, you will learn and you will benefit. If I could go back 16 years and have this knowledge presented to me for $199, it would be a no brainer. There is a 100% money back guarantee. So you have nothing to loose and tens of thousands of dollars to gain. Just click the button below to get started.